Galatasaray vs Eczacibasi
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Galatasaray vs Eczacibasi Tickets
Galatasaray vs Eczacibasi
16 March 2025, Sunday, 18:30 | Burhan Felek Voleybol Salonu, Istanbul
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Galatasaray vs Eczacibasi Ticket Prices

Category 2 Remaining tickets 16
Best value

Best price ticket 1260 TL
Away Remaining tickets 6

Best price ticket 1575 TL
Category 1
Sold out
Category 3
Sold out

Burhan Felek Voleybol Salonu Seating Plan and View

407 406 405 404 403 402 401 311 310 309 308 307 306 305 304 303 301 217 216 215ÜST 215 214ÜST 214 213ÜST 213 212ÜST 212 211 210 209 208 207ÜST 207 206ÜST 206 205ÜST 205 204ÜST 204 203 202 201 001
Burhan Felek Voleybol Salonu
Notes and warnings about the event